Upcoming experiences in the Sacred City

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Dance Portal
The Experience
This is a space where movement becomes a practice of embodiment—an initiation to step deeper into who you truly are. This experience is a sacred container where you can remember, express, and integrate your essence, so that embodiment becomes not just an experience on the dance floor, but a way of being in daily life.
6pm | Connection
This is your time to arrive, settle in, and connect—grounding into the space and the community before we embark on an epic journey together.
7:15pm-8pm | Cacao Ceremony
A Sacred City Steward invites you to step into remembrance. Through the gentle medicine of cacao, we soften, awaken, and drop into the heart, setting the foundation for the embodied journey we’re about to go on.
8pm-9:30pm | Dance Journey
A special guest DJ invites you to move beyond thought and into full embodiment. This is your practice ground—to feel, express, and embody your true essence in a space of freedom, depth, and sacred play.
9:30pm-11pm | Sacred Fire
A Sacred City Steward invites you to sit with the fire to embrace what has awakened from the journey. This is the space to honor what has shifted and carry it forward in your daily life.
Container Boundary (Please Read!)
Sacred City will be closing the doors for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, please arrive before 7:15pm.
The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony.
With that being said, there is an option to attend for free. Tell the person at the front "I am choosing the service option tonight." You will then be let in for free. In exchange, we ask that you support breakdown from 9:30pm to 10pm at the end of the dance.
What are the time deets for this experience?
To experience Sacred City Dance Portal, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM. The Sacred Fire will go from 9:30pm to 11pm.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
For the cacao ceremony, there are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair. We also recommend you bring water.
What will we be doing?
We will begin with remembrance in a cacao ceremony, then move into embodiment with a dance journey, then end with a warm embrace of the shifts that happened during the experience with a sacred fire.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. Kids come free. And there is a free kids play space during the cacao ceremony and the dance (7pm to 9:30pm). We ask that if your child is not able to honor the silence in the cacao ceremony or honor people’s personal space on the dance floor, please bring them to the kids space for the duration of those parts of the journey.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details.
What if I feel uncomfortable about dancing in front of other people?
Sacred City experiences invite you to go beyond the comfort zone and be courageously authentic. Knowing this can be uncomfortable sometimes, this is a space where you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine movement practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine music from across the globe.
See you on the dance floor, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Dance Portal
The Experience
This is a space where movement becomes a practice of embodiment—an initiation to step deeper into who you truly are. This experience is a sacred container where you can remember, express, and integrate your essence, so that embodiment becomes not just an experience on the dance floor, but a way of being in daily life.
6pm | Connection
This is your time to arrive, settle in, and connect—grounding into the space and the community before we embark on an epic journey together.
7:15pm-8pm | Cacao Ceremony
A Sacred City Steward invites you to step into remembrance. Through the gentle medicine of cacao, we soften, awaken, and drop into the heart, setting the foundation for the embodied journey we’re about to go on.
8pm-9:30pm | Dance Journey
A special guest DJ invites you to move beyond thought and into full embodiment. This is your practice ground—to feel, express, and embody your true essence in a space of freedom, depth, and sacred play.
9:30pm-11pm | Sacred Fire
A Sacred City Steward invites you to sit with the fire to embrace what has awakened from the journey. This is the space to honor what has shifted and carry it forward in your daily life.
Container Boundary (Please Read!)
Sacred City will be closing the doors for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, please arrive before 7:15pm.
The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony.
With that being said, there is an option to attend for free. Tell the person at the front "I am choosing the service option tonight." You will then be let in for free. In exchange, we ask that you support breakdown from 9:30pm to 10pm at the end of the dance.
What are the time deets for this experience?
To experience Sacred City Dance Portal, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM. The Sacred Fire will go from 9:30pm to 11pm.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
For the cacao ceremony, there are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair. We also recommend you bring water.
What will we be doing?
We will begin with remembrance in a cacao ceremony, then move into embodiment with a dance journey, then end with a warm embrace of the shifts that happened during the experience with a sacred fire.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. Kids come free. And there is a free kids play space during the cacao ceremony and the dance (7pm to 9:30pm). We ask that if your child is not able to honor the silence in the cacao ceremony or honor people’s personal space on the dance floor, please bring them to the kids space for the duration of those parts of the journey.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details.
What if I feel uncomfortable about dancing in front of other people?
Sacred City experiences invite you to go beyond the comfort zone and be courageously authentic. Knowing this can be uncomfortable sometimes, this is a space where you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine movement practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine music from across the globe.
See you on the dance floor, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!
Sacred City Launch Celebration (Save the Date!)
Save the Date. There is an epic Sacred City Center launch celebration brewing.

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Dance Portal
The Experience
This is a space where movement becomes a practice of embodiment—an initiation to step deeper into who you truly are. This experience is a sacred container where you can remember, express, and integrate your essence, so that embodiment becomes not just an experience on the dance floor, but a way of being in daily life.
6pm | Connection
This is your time to arrive, settle in, and connect—grounding into the space and the community before we embark on an epic journey together.
7:15pm-8pm | Cacao Ceremony
A Sacred City Steward invites you to step into remembrance. Through the gentle medicine of cacao, we soften, awaken, and drop into the heart, setting the foundation for the embodied journey we’re about to go on.
8pm-9:30pm | Dance Journey
A special guest DJ invites you to move beyond thought and into full embodiment. This is your practice ground—to feel, express, and embody your true essence in a space of freedom, depth, and sacred play.
9:30pm-11pm | Sacred Fire
A Sacred City Steward invites you to sit with the fire to embrace what has awakened from the journey. This is the space to honor what has shifted and carry it forward in your daily life.
Container Boundary (Please Read!)
Sacred City will be closing the doors for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, please arrive before 7:15pm.
The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony.
With that being said, there is an option to attend for free. Tell the person at the front "I am choosing the service option tonight." You will then be let in for free. In exchange, we ask that you support breakdown from 9:30pm to 10pm at the end of the dance.
What are the time deets for this experience?
To experience Sacred City Dance Portal, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM. The Sacred Fire will go from 9:30pm to 11pm.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
For the cacao ceremony, there are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair. We also recommend you bring water.
What will we be doing?
We will begin with remembrance in a cacao ceremony, then move into embodiment with a dance journey, then end with a warm embrace of the shifts that happened during the experience with a sacred fire.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. Kids come free. And there is a free kids play space during the cacao ceremony and the dance (7pm to 9:30pm). We ask that if your child is not able to honor the silence in the cacao ceremony or honor people’s personal space on the dance floor, please bring them to the kids space for the duration of those parts of the journey.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details.
What if I feel uncomfortable about dancing in front of other people?
Sacred City experiences invite you to go beyond the comfort zone and be courageously authentic. Knowing this can be uncomfortable sometimes, this is a space where you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine movement practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine music from across the globe.
See you on the dance floor, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Dance Portal
The Experience
This is a space where movement becomes a practice of embodiment—an initiation to step deeper into who you truly are. This experience is a sacred container where you can remember, express, and integrate your essence, so that embodiment becomes not just an experience on the dance floor, but a way of being in daily life.
6pm | Connection
This is your time to arrive, settle in, and connect—grounding into the space and the community before we embark on an epic journey together.
7:15pm-8pm | Cacao Ceremony
A Sacred City Steward invites you to step into remembrance. Through the gentle medicine of cacao, we soften, awaken, and drop into the heart, setting the foundation for the embodied journey we’re about to go on.
8pm-9:30pm | Dance Journey
A special guest DJ invites you to move beyond thought and into full embodiment. This is your practice ground—to feel, express, and embody your true essence in a space of freedom, depth, and sacred play.
9:30pm-11pm | Sacred Fire
A Sacred City Steward invites you to sit with the fire to embrace what has awakened from the journey. This is the space to honor what has shifted and carry it forward in your daily life.
Container Boundary (Please Read!)
Sacred City will be closing the doors for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, please arrive before 7:15pm.
The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony.
With that being said, there is an option to attend for free. Tell the person at the front "I am choosing the service option tonight." You will then be let in for free. In exchange, we ask that you support breakdown from 9:30pm to 10pm at the end of the dance.
What are the time deets for this experience?
To experience Sacred City Dance Portal, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM. The Sacred Fire will go from 9:30pm to 11pm.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
For the cacao ceremony, there are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair. We also recommend you bring water.
What will we be doing?
We will begin with remembrance in a cacao ceremony, then move into embodiment with a dance journey, then end with a warm embrace of the shifts that happened during the experience with a sacred fire.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. Kids come free. And there is a free kids play space during the cacao ceremony and the dance (7pm to 9:30pm). We ask that if your child is not able to honor the silence in the cacao ceremony or honor people’s personal space on the dance floor, please bring them to the kids space for the duration of those parts of the journey.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details.
What if I feel uncomfortable about dancing in front of other people?
Sacred City experiences invite you to go beyond the comfort zone and be courageously authentic. Knowing this can be uncomfortable sometimes, this is a space where you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine movement practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine music from across the globe.
See you on the dance floor, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Dance Portal
The Experience
This is a space where movement becomes a practice of embodiment—an initiation to step deeper into who you truly are. This experience is a sacred container where you can remember, express, and integrate your essence, so that embodiment becomes not just an experience on the dance floor, but a way of being in daily life.
6pm | Connection
This is your time to arrive, settle in, and connect—grounding into the space and the community before we embark on an epic journey together.
7:15pm-8pm | Cacao Ceremony
A Sacred City Steward invites you to step into remembrance. Through the gentle medicine of cacao, we soften, awaken, and drop into the heart, setting the foundation for the embodied journey we’re about to go on.
8pm-9:30pm | Dance Journey
A special guest DJ invites you to move beyond thought and into full embodiment. This is your practice ground—to feel, express, and embody your true essence in a space of freedom, depth, and sacred play.
9:30pm-11pm | Sacred Fire
A Sacred City Steward invites you to sit with the fire to embrace what has awakened from the journey. This is the space to honor what has shifted and carry it forward in your daily life.
Container Boundary (Please Read!)
Sacred City will be closing the doors for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, please arrive before 7:15pm.
The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony.
With that being said, there is an option to attend for free. Tell the person at the front "I am choosing the service option tonight." You will then be let in for free. In exchange, we ask that you support breakdown from 9:30pm to 10pm at the end of the dance.
What are the time deets for this experience?
To experience Sacred City Dance Portal, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM. The Sacred Fire will go from 9:30pm to 11pm.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
For the cacao ceremony, there are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair. We also recommend you bring water.
What will we be doing?
We will begin with remembrance in a cacao ceremony, then move into embodiment with a dance journey, then end with a warm embrace of the shifts that happened during the experience with a sacred fire.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. Kids come free. And there is a free kids play space during the cacao ceremony and the dance (7pm to 9:30pm). We ask that if your child is not able to honor the silence in the cacao ceremony or honor people’s personal space on the dance floor, please bring them to the kids space for the duration of those parts of the journey.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details.
What if I feel uncomfortable about dancing in front of other people?
Sacred City experiences invite you to go beyond the comfort zone and be courageously authentic. Knowing this can be uncomfortable sometimes, this is a space where you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine movement practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine music from across the globe.
See you on the dance floor, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!
Pool Party Celebration (Save the Date!)
Save the Date. There is an epic Summer Pool Party Celebration brewing.

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Dance Portal
The Experience
This is a space where movement becomes a practice of embodiment—an initiation to step deeper into who you truly are. This experience is a sacred container where you can remember, express, and integrate your essence, so that embodiment becomes not just an experience on the dance floor, but a way of being in daily life.
6pm | Connection
This is your time to arrive, settle in, and connect—grounding into the space and the community before we embark on an epic journey together.
7:15pm-8pm | Cacao Ceremony
A Sacred City Steward invites you to step into remembrance. Through the gentle medicine of cacao, we soften, awaken, and drop into the heart, setting the foundation for the embodied journey we’re about to go on.
8pm-9:30pm | Dance Journey
A special guest DJ invites you to move beyond thought and into full embodiment. This is your practice ground—to feel, express, and embody your true essence in a space of freedom, depth, and sacred play.
9:30pm-11pm | Sacred Fire
A Sacred City Steward invites you to sit with the fire to embrace what has awakened from the journey. This is the space to honor what has shifted and carry it forward in your daily life.
Container Boundary (Please Read!)
Sacred City will be closing the doors for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, please arrive before 7:15pm.
The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony.
With that being said, there is an option to attend for free. Tell the person at the front "I am choosing the service option tonight." You will then be let in for free. In exchange, we ask that you support breakdown from 9:30pm to 10pm at the end of the dance.
What are the time deets for this experience?
To experience Sacred City Dance Portal, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM. The Sacred Fire will go from 9:30pm to 11pm.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
For the cacao ceremony, there are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair. We also recommend you bring water.
What will we be doing?
We will begin with remembrance in a cacao ceremony, then move into embodiment with a dance journey, then end with a warm embrace of the shifts that happened during the experience with a sacred fire.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. Kids come free. And there is a free kids play space during the cacao ceremony and the dance (7pm to 9:30pm). We ask that if your child is not able to honor the silence in the cacao ceremony or honor people’s personal space on the dance floor, please bring them to the kids space for the duration of those parts of the journey.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details.
What if I feel uncomfortable about dancing in front of other people?
Sacred City experiences invite you to go beyond the comfort zone and be courageously authentic. Knowing this can be uncomfortable sometimes, this is a space where you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine movement practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine music from across the globe.
See you on the dance floor, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Dance Portal
The Experience
This is a space where movement becomes a practice of embodiment—an initiation to step deeper into who you truly are. This experience is a sacred container where you can remember, express, and integrate your essence, so that embodiment becomes not just an experience on the dance floor, but a way of being in daily life.
6pm | Connection
This is your time to arrive, settle in, and connect—grounding into the space and the community before we embark on an epic journey together.
7:15pm-8pm | Cacao Ceremony
A Sacred City Steward invites you to step into remembrance. Through the gentle medicine of cacao, we soften, awaken, and drop into the heart, setting the foundation for the embodied journey we’re about to go on.
8pm-9:30pm | Dance Journey
A special guest DJ invites you to move beyond thought and into full embodiment. This is your practice ground—to feel, express, and embody your true essence in a space of freedom, depth, and sacred play.
9:30pm-11pm | Sacred Fire
A Sacred City Steward invites you to sit with the fire to embrace what has awakened from the journey. This is the space to honor what has shifted and carry it forward in your daily life.
Container Boundary (Please Read!)
Sacred City will be closing the doors for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, please arrive before 7:15pm.
The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony.
With that being said, there is an option to attend for free. Tell the person at the front "I am choosing the service option tonight." You will then be let in for free. In exchange, we ask that you support breakdown from 9:30pm to 10pm at the end of the dance.
What are the time deets for this experience?
To experience Sacred City Dance Portal, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM. The Sacred Fire will go from 9:30pm to 11pm.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
For the cacao ceremony, there are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair. We also recommend you bring water.
What will we be doing?
We will begin with remembrance in a cacao ceremony, then move into embodiment with a dance journey, then end with a warm embrace of the shifts that happened during the experience with a sacred fire.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. Kids come free. And there is a free kids play space during the cacao ceremony and the dance (7pm to 9:30pm). We ask that if your child is not able to honor the silence in the cacao ceremony or honor people’s personal space on the dance floor, please bring them to the kids space for the duration of those parts of the journey.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details.
What if I feel uncomfortable about dancing in front of other people?
Sacred City experiences invite you to go beyond the comfort zone and be courageously authentic. Knowing this can be uncomfortable sometimes, this is a space where you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine movement practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine music from across the globe.
See you on the dance floor, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!
Halloween Celebration (Save the Date!)
Save the Date. There is an epic Halloween Celebration brewing.

Sacred City Dance Portal
The Experience
This is a space where movement becomes a practice of embodiment—an initiation to step deeper into who you truly are. This experience is a sacred container where you can remember, express, and integrate your essence, so that embodiment becomes not just an experience on the dance floor, but a way of being in daily life.
6pm | Connection
This is your time to arrive, settle in, and connect—grounding into the space and the community before we embark on an epic journey together.
7:15pm-8pm | Cacao Ceremony
A Sacred City Steward invites you to step into remembrance. Through the gentle medicine of cacao, we soften, awaken, and drop into the heart, setting the foundation for the embodied journey we’re about to go on.
8pm-9:30pm | Dance Journey
A special guest DJ invites you to move beyond thought and into full embodiment. This is your practice ground—to feel, express, and embody your true essence in a space of freedom, depth, and sacred play.
9:30pm-11pm | Sacred Fire
A Sacred City Steward invites you to sit with the fire to embrace what has awakened from the journey. This is the space to honor what has shifted and carry it forward in your daily life.
Container Boundary (Please Read!)
Sacred City will be closing the doors for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, please arrive before 7:15pm.
The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony.
With that being said, there is an option to attend for free. Tell the person at the front "I am choosing the service option tonight." You will then be let in for free. In exchange, we ask that you support breakdown from 9:30pm to 10pm at the end of the dance.
What are the time deets for this experience?
To experience Sacred City Dance Portal, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM. The Sacred Fire will go from 9:30pm to 11pm.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
For the cacao ceremony, there are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair. We also recommend you bring water.
What will we be doing?
We will begin with remembrance in a cacao ceremony, then move into embodiment with a dance journey, then end with a warm embrace of the shifts that happened during the experience with a sacred fire.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. Kids come free. And there is a free kids play space during the cacao ceremony and the dance (7pm to 9:30pm). We ask that if your child is not able to honor the silence in the cacao ceremony or honor people’s personal space on the dance floor, please bring them to the kids space for the duration of those parts of the journey.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details.
What if I feel uncomfortable about dancing in front of other people?
Sacred City experiences invite you to go beyond the comfort zone and be courageously authentic. Knowing this can be uncomfortable sometimes, this is a space where you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine movement practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine music from across the globe.
See you on the dance floor, my friends!
Thanksgiving Celebration (Save the Date!)
Save the Date. There is an epic Thanksgiving Celebration brewing.

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Dance Portal
The Experience
This is a space where movement becomes a practice of embodiment—an initiation to step deeper into who you truly are. This experience is a sacred container where you can remember, express, and integrate your essence, so that embodiment becomes not just an experience on the dance floor, but a way of being in daily life.
6pm | Connection
This is your time to arrive, settle in, and connect—grounding into the space and the community before we embark on an epic journey together.
7:15pm-8pm | Cacao Ceremony
A Sacred City Steward invites you to step into remembrance. Through the gentle medicine of cacao, we soften, awaken, and drop into the heart, setting the foundation for the embodied journey we’re about to go on.
8pm-9:30pm | Dance Journey
A special guest DJ invites you to move beyond thought and into full embodiment. This is your practice ground—to feel, express, and embody your true essence in a space of freedom, depth, and sacred play.
9:30pm-11pm | Sacred Fire
A Sacred City Steward invites you to sit with the fire to embrace what has awakened from the journey. This is the space to honor what has shifted and carry it forward in your daily life.
Container Boundary (Please Read!)
Sacred City will be closing the doors for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, please arrive before 7:15pm.
The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony.
With that being said, there is an option to attend for free. Tell the person at the front "I am choosing the service option tonight." You will then be let in for free. In exchange, we ask that you support breakdown from 9:30pm to 10pm at the end of the dance.
What are the time deets for this experience?
To experience Sacred City Dance Portal, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM. The Sacred Fire will go from 9:30pm to 11pm.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
For the cacao ceremony, there are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair. We also recommend you bring water.
What will we be doing?
We will begin with remembrance in a cacao ceremony, then move into embodiment with a dance journey, then end with a warm embrace of the shifts that happened during the experience with a sacred fire.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. Kids come free. And there is a free kids play space during the cacao ceremony and the dance (7pm to 9:30pm). We ask that if your child is not able to honor the silence in the cacao ceremony or honor people’s personal space on the dance floor, please bring them to the kids space for the duration of those parts of the journey.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details.
What if I feel uncomfortable about dancing in front of other people?
Sacred City experiences invite you to go beyond the comfort zone and be courageously authentic. Knowing this can be uncomfortable sometimes, this is a space where you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine movement practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine music from across the globe.
See you on the dance floor, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!
NYE Celebration (Save the Date!)
Save the Date. There is an epic Thanksgiving Celebration brewing.

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Dance Portal
The Experience
This is a space where movement becomes a practice of embodiment—an initiation to step deeper into who you truly are. This experience is a sacred container where you can remember, express, and integrate your essence, so that embodiment becomes not just an experience on the dance floor, but a way of being in daily life.
6pm | Connection
This is your time to arrive, settle in, and connect—grounding into the space and the community before we embark on an epic journey together.
7:15pm-8pm | Cacao Ceremony
A Sacred City Steward invites you to step into remembrance. Through the gentle medicine of cacao, we soften, awaken, and drop into the heart, setting the foundation for the embodied journey we’re about to go on.
8pm-9:30pm | Dance Journey
A special guest DJ invites you to move beyond thought and into full embodiment. This is your practice ground—to feel, express, and embody your true essence in a space of freedom, depth, and sacred play.
9:30pm-11pm | Sacred Fire
A Sacred City Steward invites you to sit with the fire to embrace what has awakened from the journey. This is the space to honor what has shifted and carry it forward in your daily life.
Container Boundary (Please Read!)
Sacred City will be closing the doors for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, please arrive before 7:15pm.
The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony.
With that being said, there is an option to attend for free. Tell the person at the front "I am choosing the service option tonight." You will then be let in for free. In exchange, we ask that you support breakdown from 9:30pm to 10pm at the end of the dance.
What are the time deets for this experience?
To experience Sacred City Dance Portal, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM. The Sacred Fire will go from 9:30pm to 11pm.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
For the cacao ceremony, there are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair. We also recommend you bring water.
What will we be doing?
We will begin with remembrance in a cacao ceremony, then move into embodiment with a dance journey, then end with a warm embrace of the shifts that happened during the experience with a sacred fire.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. Kids come free. And there is a free kids play space during the cacao ceremony and the dance (7pm to 9:30pm). We ask that if your child is not able to honor the silence in the cacao ceremony or honor people’s personal space on the dance floor, please bring them to the kids space for the duration of those parts of the journey.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details.
What if I feel uncomfortable about dancing in front of other people?
Sacred City experiences invite you to go beyond the comfort zone and be courageously authentic. Knowing this can be uncomfortable sometimes, this is a space where you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine movement practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine music from across the globe.
See you on the dance floor, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!

Sacred City Ceremony
The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can remember more of our true nature and embody more of our most authentic expression. This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.
Container Boundary
Sacred City will be closing the container for Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp to begin. To join the experience, you must arrive before 7:15pm. The intention of this is to all be together when we open the container. We’ve found it builds cohesiveness and trust when everyone begins together. Doors open at 6pm for you to arrive, grab a cacao elixir from the bar and settle in.
The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $20 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.
What are the time deets for Ceremony?
To experience Sacred City Ceremony, you must arrive by 7:15pm at the latest. Doors open at 6PM to spaciously settle in. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM.
What do I do for parking?
There is plenty of street parking, as well as a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.
What do I need to bring?
Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on. There are cushions there if needed. If you do not sit on the floor, we recommend bringing a chair and setting up against the back wall. We also recommend you bring water.
Can I bring my own instruments?
We ask that you do not bring instruments and allow the band to hold the container in this way. With that being said, please bring your magical presence and your voice!
What will we be doing?
We will be singing medicine music mantras together and journeying into the heartspace to remember more of who we truly are. No experience required.
Can I bring my kiddos?
Absolutely. There will be a free kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.
What is my commitment to the container?
We ask that you plan on being deeply present, participating fully, and honoring the 5 pillars: sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign.
What does sober mean in this container?
At Sacred City experiences, sober means drug, alcohol and psychedelic free. While there are many different medicines that serve people in different ways, we ask that the sober container is honored at our events.
Will there be food?
There is gluten-free food provided after ceremony for $11 a bowl. Please go to the bar and ask for more details. There will also be cacao available at the bar.
What if I feel uncomfortable about singing in front of other people?
This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!
What if I don’t know anyone?
We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!
What are the video and photo boundaries?
We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together. We invite you to record videos as well and tag us in your IG stories at @sacredcity_
Is this a spiritual experience?
It definitely can be. With that being said, this medicine music practice is not tied to any specific religion. We’re always looking to include medicine songs and mantras from across the globe.
See you in Ceremony, my friends!